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Eat for your Belly!

We all have different body types, known as doshas in Indian tradition and each has its specific needs. Some foods don’t agree with some bellies while others help them to thrive

This said, our bellies have certain needs and don’t like to feel hungry or deprived. This doesn’t mean we should gorge on sweets and potato chips – no matter how satisfying they seem at the time.

Below are a few tips to help you achieve/ maintain a toned and healthy abdomen:

Fruit – a perennially healthy choice – can be jazzed up with some cayenne pepper or paprika. Add a dash of this, along with some lemon juice to some slices of apple, pineapple, oranges, grapefruit and kiwi and experience the fat-burning effect. Excellent for digestion and circulation!

Juice it – instead of traditional tea, which dehydrates, go for fresh vegetable juices. A combination of celery and apple juice (fresh) is a great cleanser and give you an instant lift.

Throw out the salt shaker – since salt bloats, substitute this for aromatic herbs, garlic and ginger (in rice, potatoes or steamed veggies, for example) and you’ll have additional flavour – and a faster metabolism to boot.

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Don’t dump that overripe banana, but mash it, add 1 tablespoon of honey and apply to your face and leave on for 15-20 mins for a velvety smooth texture.

If you’re an acne sufferer, grate an apple and add 5 tablespoons of honey and leave for 10 mins.

A crushed ripe tomato help control excess oil, while melon juice is great for heat-induced break-outs.

Tired? Apply plain yogurt and the juice of ¼ orange and leave on for 5 mins for a quick and natural pick-me-up.

Contributed by Rosemarie Layne

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